I think once I've settled back into the swing of things here I'll probably kick off a whole new site. I'm not sure what it'll be about but rest assured I'll let you know where it is (there will be a link from here too). In the meantime, let me wrap this chapter of my life up by saying how much NY is going to be missed. It was colourful and vibrant, it sizzled with energy 24/7. Keep up or get out. Sure, it's in your face but when you boast that you're the world's capital then you can only get away with that kind of statement by being bold and confident enough to truly believe it, no one's doubting that New York is just that. Our planet would be a dull place without this cocky arrogant bruiser strutting around in the playground. I'm just chuffed I got to go a few rounds with it.
See you soon! And thanks for reading...